by Val O. Morris | Oct 11, 2014 | Writing |
Would you like to give “Monster Girl” a test drive? Now you can read the COMPLETE first chapter absolutely FREE! Sign up today and you’ll receive future book promotions, information on new releases, and the occasional cool news! As a THANK YOU,...
by Val O. Morris | Oct 2, 2014 | Writing |
I’m not sure what scares me more – failure or success. Writer’s doubt creeps in when I least expect it. Everything can be going good, and then BAM! It always catches me off guard. It reminds me that I’m not perfect, and in an odd way, keeps me...
by Val O. Morris | Sep 25, 2014 | Writing |
“Monster Girl” is now available at Amazon! A young girl, obsessed with monsters and the supernatural, befriends the ghost of her grandfather and, with his help, learns valuable lessons while dealing with a bossy older sister, parents who ignore her, and a...
by Val O. Morris | Sep 23, 2014 | Writing |
Writing “Monster Girl” has beenĀ an unforgettable journey. There were story surprises along the way, and I had a fabulous time writing my first book. Here is just a taste of what I learned writing “Monster Girl”. 1. That falling in love with my...
by Val O. Morris | Sep 16, 2014 | Writing |
How “Monster Girl” Came To Be Writing has always been a part of my life. As a kid, when I wasn’t playing softball or riding bikes, I kept myself entertained with movies, TV, and writing. When a poem I wrote in fifth grade won first place in a school...
by Val O. Morris | Sep 9, 2014 | Writing |
I am so excited to announce my debut book, “Monster Girl”! It’s about a young girl named Viki who befriends the ghost of her grandfather and, with his help, learns how to deal with a school bully. If you’ve ever known someone who has been...