Welcome back to the Verbs and Visuals iPhone Photo Challenge wrap up!
The month is officially over! Here are the final photos from the challenge with one extra sunset to close out the month!
April 24

“Evil Storm Clouds Rolling In”
April 25

“Peek-a-Boo” One of my many lizard buddies that hang around outside on my deck.
April 26

“Lily” From my aunt’s pretty garden.
April 27

“I Think I See Bigfoot” From one of our many hikes.
April 28

“Playing Catch” Enjoying the afternoon with Ryker.
April 29

“Fire in the Sky”
April 30

The Last Sunset…

And one more sunset to close out this April daily photo series. It’s been fun, y’all!
Thank you for following along! You can see all of the April photos here on my site as well as on Instagram @valmakesmovies and at Flickr.
Val O. Morris likes to pretend the monsters aren’t real. She is a filmmaker turned author who writes Urban Fantasy, Horror, and YA. A Monster Kid since birth, she loves all things ghosts, goblins, slashers, demons, monsters, zombies, madmen, werewolves, vampires, and freaky little kids who live in the corn. She invites you to come for the monsters and stay for the story.